1. We do not accept cash offers;
  2. Barter proposals must be made only and exclusively through the form by clicking on the “Participate” button; the personal data fields must all be correctly filled in under penalty of exclusion from barter;
  3. To make your proposal valid, you must attach a photo of the article you intend to offer;
  4. Barter offers have a deadline, the deadline to propose your barter is indicated among the barter data published on our site;
  5. The choice of the proposed items and the number of stays made available for each barter, is made by Giovanni and Laura at their free discretion. The chosen barters will be informed by email (address that we find indicated in the offer received), also the name of the chosen barters will also be made public on our facebook page the day after the end of each individual “barter”;
  6. The chosen barters will receive the holiday voucher by email only after having demonstrated the actual shipment of the bartered object in the times that will be indicated in the voucher itself;
  7. The dates of the stay are NOT modifiable, while the voucher can be given freely, but can not be sold; the voucher cannot be disclosed and/or transferred through social channels not authorized by Village Hotel;
  8. The shipment of the bartered object is the responsibility of the bidder; we do not accept other types of delivery of the bartered item;
  9. By giving their email, participants consent to the use of it for commercial purposes;
  10. The bartered voucher is not a means of payment and cannot be used to pay for stays already booked;
  11. Barter vouchers cannot be combined with each other, much less with current offers;
  12. The person chosen for a proposed barter, has the freedom to participate in subsequent barters;
  13. The participant of the chosen barter must provide for the shipment of the proposed goods within the times indicated, otherwise in addition to not receiving the voucher of the stay he will no longer be allowed to participate in subsequent barters; we therefore advise you to participate in the barter only if seriously interested in the proposed stay;
  14. The participant who fills out the form and sends his barter proposal declares under his own responsibility to have read the following regulation and to have accepted the conditions governing barter;

To communicate directly with the booked hotel call the landline number
from Monday to Saturday, from 10.30 to 12.30, at other times use the whatsapp number
only with text messages

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Village Hotel
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